Dr. Robert McClure, Sen. Darryl Rouson and Barry Edwards Keep the Conversation Going

Three guests joined Greg on the June 29, 2023, OnThePoint radio show aired on WHBO AM 1040: Dr. Robert McClure, president and CEO of the James Madison Institute, State Sen. Darryl Rouson, D, and political strategist Barry Edwards.

OnThePoint is a live radio show that airs each Thursday from 3:15 to 4 p.m. on WHBO AM 1040 and then as a podcast on AliveTampaBay. The opinion show, hosted by Greg C. Truax, peels back the layers of social and business issues, dives deep into the currents of politics and explores public policy questions so listeners can “keep the conversation going.”

Greg C. Truax is a documentary filmmaker, host of OnThePoint and publisher of AliveTampaBay.

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