Hold On To Your Wallet

Image courtesy of Pixabay.
OnThePoint commentary by Greg C. Truax airs weekly on WHBO AM 1040.

Welcome back to OnThePoint, this is Greg C. Truax

Vice President Kamala Harris’s economic plan, with its staggering $2 trillion in deficit spending, is a red flag for all taxpayers. 

The Biden-Harris administration has already overseen a $7.4 trillion increase in federal debt, which has led to the worst inflation in 40 years.

Her push for hefty down payments for first-time homebuyers  would  drive up housing costs rather than making them more affordable.

Her plan for price controls on groceries is a throwback to failed policies of the past. Price controls don’t solve inflation; they create shortages and economic distortions.

Harris’s economic plan is focused on short-term political gains, and shows a troubling disregard for fiscal responsibility.

From the NewsTalk 1040 studios, this is Greg C. Truax. 

Greg C. Truax is president of GCTMediaGroup, a film production studio, online magazine publisher, radio commentator, and creator of written and broadcast opinion commentary

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