Editor’s note: “The Florida Museum of Photographic Arts will temporarily close on March 15, 2020 at 5 p.m. for two weeks as we continue to monitor the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The Florida Museum of Photographic Arts is committed to the safety of our visitors, members, staff, and community. This is a temporary closure, and we will tentatively reopen March 30, 2020. All upcoming classes, programs, and tours are cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date. Please visit our website and social media channels for further updates,” according to an announcement by FMoPA.
Griff Davis and Langston Hughes, Letters and Photographs 1947 – 1967: A Global Friendship exhibition at the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts continues at the downtown Tampa museum until April 19.
The exhibition is produced by daughter Dorothy Davis of Griffith J. Davis Photographs and Archives, is curated by FMoPA, a Cultural Partner of Tampa Bay Business for Culture & the Arts.
The exhibition by FMoPA, which opened Jan. 17, presents 62 never-before-seen photographis and material that reflects the decades-long friendship between Griffith J. Davis, photographer, journalist and senior U.S. foreign affairs officer, and renowed poet Langston Huges.
“We are proud to have this exhibition on two important figures in American history,” said FMoPA Executive Director Zora Carrier, Ph.D. “Both Langston Hughes and Griffith Davis were trailblazers in the civil rights movement and the independence movement of Africa.”
See our earlier story for more information: Trailblazers: Griffith J. Davis and Langston Hughes