Tampa Bay Businesses for Culture & the Arts (Tampa Bay BCA) Chalk Walk will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 4 in Tampa’s Julian Lane Park, 1001 N. Blvd. Chalk Walk, an annual partnership with Raymond James Gasparilla Festival of the Arts, is a “live art experience” featuring commissioned chalk artists who bring their unique genre of art to life. Gasparilla Festival of the Arts continues through the weekend, and the final chalk art will be on display through Sunday, March 5 until 4 p.m.
“Art collaborations go well beyond the idea of art for art’s sake. The goal is to build strong, healthy, and resilient communities by integrating the arts into business efforts and promoting well-being for all of us.,” said Zora Carrier, Ph.D.,Tampa Bay BCA executive director.