What Voters Want in 2024

Former President Donald Trump/Image courtesy of Pixabay.
OnThePoint commentary by Greg C. Truax airs each week on WHBO AM1040.

Welcome back to OnThePoint. I’m Greg C. Truax.

During Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency in 2016, his disruptive style was seen as a plus by voters tired of the establishment. Four years later, more voters opted for Joe Biden amid the COVID pandemic and chaos of Trump’s term.

Today, the political landscape has appeared to shift.  Voters want stability in the economy, border control, schools, and international affairs. Recall the 2022 midterm elections, which favored steady incumbents.

In Election year 2024, President Biden’s low poll numbers reflect his failure to  deliver stability and results for voters.

To win, former President Trump must present a presidential persona,  demonstrate steady leadership and offer the stability voters are looking for in an uncertain time.

I’m Greg C. Truax.

Greg C. Truax is president of GCTMediaGroup, a film production studio, online magazine publisher, radio commentator, and creator of written and broadcast opinion commentary.

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