Fiction & Poetry

Weekend Fiction: ‘Pirouette’

When I was in ballet class as a very young child, my teacher told me the secret to a clean pirouette was to focus my attention on something stable, something unmoving in the background, and to try and keep my eyes on it.


Weekend Fiction: “White Tornadoes”

“Do you think it’s possible that you can not mention your wife or refer to her in any way whatsoever for five minutes? A lousy five minutes? I just want five minutes without hearing about her.” “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.” “So you think of her even when you’re not thinking of her?” “I said I’m sorry.” “You didn’t answer me. You think of her when you’re not thinking of her?” “I’m not thinking of her, Julia. I’m thinking how incredibly disastrous, horrible, impossible it would be if we are found out.” “How would that happen, Joseph?” “The night has


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