“In an adaptation from his upcoming biography of the actress, Her Again: Becoming Meryl Streep, Michael Schulman recounts the struggles—physical, emotional, and intellectual—that launched Streep’s legend.” — Vanity Fair
Film & TV
It is the most requested photo on file in the National Archives — the Oval Office meeting between President Richard Nixon and Elvis Presley, the king of rock ‘n roll. The surreal meeting in 1970 is now a movie, ‘Elvis & Nixon.’ See the movie trailer with Kevin Spacey.
National Archives Photo: President Richard Nixon and Elvis Presley in 1970.
Megyn Kelly, the Fox News anchor, and Donald Trump meet in mid-town Manhattan. Kelly asked for the meeting held at Trump Tower to clear the air after conflict stemming from the first GOP debate. See the article about the meeting and the earlier Tonight Show interview with Kelly for all of the background.