A panel discussion featuring artists from the “Contemporary Performance” exhibit at the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts will be held at the downtown Tampa museum from 6 to 7 p.m. on July 19.
The exhibit explores gender, sexuality, class, race and social identies and is curated by Kalup Linzy whose theatrical works of performative gender and sexuality employ a variety of pop cultural forms. Mr. Linzy was a Tampa Bay Business for Culture & the Arts TBBCA 2019 Impact Award Honoree.
Photographers featured in the exhibition include: Ebtisam Abdulaziz, Matthew Barney, Renee Cox, Sean Fader, Becky Flanders, Corbett Fogue, Lyle Ashton Harris, Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz, Selena Roman, Cindy Sherman, Xaviera Simmons, Chibuike Uzoma, Deobrah Willis, Paula Wilson, and Alex Yudzon.
“I am thrilled to bring these visionary artists to Tampa,” said FMoPA Executive Director Zora Carrier, Ph.D. “We are proud to share such an incredible body of work, which is sure to inspire deep conversation on the current state of performance art and our modern world.”

Admission to the event is free for FMoPA members, and included with a general admission ticket for non-members. The museum is located at 400 N. Ashely Dr., Cube 200, Tampa.
The “Contemporary Performance” exhibit is on view during regular museum operating hours and is included in the musuem’s general admission fee. Visit FMoPA for details about the exhibit or the museum, which is dedicated to exhibiting important photographic art as central to contemporary life and culture.