The downtown gallery opens its first exhibit for 2019.
“Union Terminal” by Kerry Didday/via the TECO Public Art Gallery
The downtown gallery opens its first exhibit for 2019.
“Union Terminal” by Kerry Didday/via the TECO Public Art Gallery
The “Views from Above” exhibit, a wide range of works by the late artist, runs through Jan. 20 in the museum’s Lee Malone Gallery.
Artist Syd Solomon with “Westcoastalscape”, Baiting Hollow, New York, 1968. Courtesy of the Estate of Syd Solomon/Via the MFA
The downtown Tampa gallery will host a solo exhibition by Candace Knapp, a local artist, starting Nov. 2.
“Luminous Passages 1”, 2018, by Candace Knapp/via the TECO Public Art Gallery