Tag: tampa

This Morning in Tampa

Bold colors paint the morning sky today near Boy Scout Blvd. in Tampa/Photo by Chris Barlow for AliveTampaBay.


Hillsborough Democrats Gather in Tampa for Annual Fundraiser

 Michael Avenatti, who according to news reports is a possible presidential contender in 2020,  speaking to a large gathering  at the annual Kennedy-King dinner Saturday evening in Tampa.

Michael Avenatti/Photo by Nick Carper


When Elvis Came to Tampa

In the mid-1950s, Elvis Presley couldn’t help falling in love with Tampa. Almost sixty years ago today, Elvis performed at the Fort Homer W. Hesterly Armory, one of four concerts in Tampa in 1955-56. The Aug. 5, 1956, show in Tampa came on the heels of his appearance on The Steve Allen Show, where he performed “Hound Dog.”

Elvis Presley/Courtesy of Pixabay


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